Infographic on Stat-Rankings

While thinking about upgrading my new staff I came along this Infographic on stat rankings, thanks to the people at ROM-Welten (which is is a great place to look up things, and it’s available in an English version now too).

you will need the information on planning the grading of your gear, always useful ๐Ÿ™‚

Guide To Advanced Statting Of Your Gear

Have ever wondered how the pros get T6 gear with all those great stats in them? Well, there’s no need to get 3 identical good (=expensive) stats to make one T6 of them or building a clean T6 from 9 clean T4 stones – you can do it all by using your 6 desired T5 stats and use crap stats of the same stat group for the rest instead! It’s looking a bit complicated on first sight but once you get the drift you will just love it, promise ๐Ÿ™‚

Continue reading

Dirty statting guide for new players – with pictures

Hello everyone!
You’re in Darkzone.. and you’re reading my guide on how to dirty stat items or as some would say ‘make items better with the AT’ ๐Ÿ™‚
First of all I would advise you to install the addon called Advanced Auctionhouse, as you will need it to find items on AH, you can download it at – make sure you search amongst the RoM addons as that site has many addons for different games.

So let’s get right to it! Continue reading

Complete Quest-List, All Quest-Items – as pdf or xls & ready to load :)

really? wow…

But it’s true – thanks to you can find all anwers about every quest in the downloadable Questlist. It seems that even Ch5 stuff is included already. You can get it as .pdf or .xls and it’s just the best tools for answering questions like Where does a quest start? Which Dailyquest gives the most XP? Do I have to solve a prequest to get this quest? . Hint: Try using it in combination with ‘advanced quest book’ addon which you can find here

And not enough with that, there’s a complete List of Quest Items available too, so you finally can start cleaning your inventory now ๐Ÿ™‚

A german version is out there too, it seems they have not included Chapter V yet, though.

Sprachenen>de YahooKEerror

Zodiac Pet

In new Chapter V Fires of Shadowforge we can get our Zodiac Pet. I saw a lot people are confused about them so here is link to RoM-Welten site were you can find more about how to make them and their skills: Zodiac Pets.
Also here is something more about pet event from US Formu: Pets.
I hope it help you to understand them better ๐Ÿ™‚

Craft Festival Guide

While waiting for CH5 to finish install I was browsing around and found some guides to the crafting festival which starts as of today (12.06.2012) and will last for a month as usual.

The english version of the craft event guide was found on the US-forum and was once again written by Dollars. I also found the german version: [Guide] Handwerksfest, writtten by Fischblick – thanky to both for their efforts.

Both guides are from last year so some changes could apply – if u find any, write about them in comments plz

HF & GL ๐Ÿ™‚


Music Festival Guide

ROM music fest guideHere’s a guide to the music festival, found on the US-Forum, compiled and written by Dollars. A german version is here and was written by Goliju. Both were written about last years event and some things have changed a bit but they are still valid and still usefull, especially if you want to get the titles ๐Ÿ™‚ Also some adjustments to this years bugs can be found if you check the latest posts…